Don't Let Potential Long-Term Customers Fall Though the Net
We're here to share some tips to help you easily segment your target audience. We firmly believe that segmentation is important for countless businesses, even if an argument can be made for a mass-marketing approach.
Below, we'll share some tips that'll make the segmentation process much easier, so you won't need to spend hours trying to figure it out with no end in sight.
1. Use the Right Data
When it comes to segmentation, ensure you're using the best possible data. What does that mean? You should always try to use data that is recent and has enough volume to show trends and patterns clearly. Try to include a wide range of data to provide as complete a picture as possible, including demographic, psychographic, and behavioural information.
If you're unsure where to start, look at your Google Analytics and website data. These platforms contain a huge amount of information that can help you easily identify your different customer groups, but knowing how to analyse this data is key. Try to look for patterns and any trends that are immediately visible. You can use age, location, and behavioural filters to make this easier.
2. Create Clear Segments
When trying to create user segments that are clearly defined and can be used to support your marketing activity, look for identifiable characters and behavioural patterns. Not only will this make your life a lot easier, but it will also allow you to write consistent marketing copy in both tone and messaging, which should yield stronger results.
While you may see a small set of users who share characteristics, if there isn't enough of them to justify further action, don't waste your time. Your user segments should be large enough to generate a noticeable return. Being aware of these users is beneficial, but spending a huge amount of time on a small number of users may not be worthwhile.
3. Try Different Segmentation Techniques
If you want to meet the needs of your segmented customer groups effectively, make sure that you write key messages that address their pain points and buying triggers. This should not only improve engagement because your messaging is relevant, but will also show customers that you are listening to what they're saying, building trust in your brand.
You should also pay close attention to the different channels your different customer groups use. Certain channels work better with specific types of creative, so knowing this in advance can save you time and ensure your creative has the strongest possible impact. Portrait videos, for example, work well on TikTok and Instagram Reels, so if these platforms are relevant to your target audience, your content should be optimised for stronger performance.
4. Monitor and Adjust
When you're working with new audience groups, there will be a period of monitoring and adjustment. These segments might look great on paper, but as you use them more often, you might feel that they need to be edited to include more interests on Facebook, for example. These audiences are a great resource but should not be treated as absolute truth because different digital advertising platforms will have different targeting requirements.
You can also combine some groups if they're on the smaller side. This is something you'll learn after a period of trialling, so don't expect everything to work immediately – making adjustments is part of the process. Additionally, consumer trends and behaviours quickly change, which is why it's so important to stay on top of current events and adjust your targeting and segmentation often.
Remember to Ask for Help
Segmentation can have a significant impact on your bottom line. According to Campaign Monitor, segmented campaigns can result in a 760% increase in revenue, giving you all the more reason to look at your audiences in greater detail. We see the value in this activity – it gives us the information we need to advertise effectively online while helping clients better understand their customers.
If you'd like to discuss how segmentation can help your business take its marketing to the next level, get in touch. We're currently offering FREE, no-obligation one-hour consultations to interested businesses.
To book a free one-hour consultation, submit an online form or give us a call on 01492 463209.